Your Visit to Gentle Touch Chiropractic
West Chester, PA Chiropractic DoctorDuring each visit to Gentle Touch Chiropractic, the doctor examines your entire spine. She looks for misplaced spinal bones called subluxations. Sublxations harm the nervous system by reducing nerve energy flow. When subluxations reduce nerve energy flow the following things may happen:
- Your healing and repairing ability is reduced
- You become more easily tired and irritated
- Your body resistance is lowered
- Your environment more easily overcomes you
- You can develop poor body posturing
- You become predisposed to spinal degeneration
Gentle Touch Chiropractic corrects any subluxations that you might have using low force adjustment techniques and trigger point therapies to restore proper alignment, reduce pain and muscle spasms and increase mobility.
First Visit Forms
Please print and then complete these forms prior to your first visit. (will open a pdf document in this window – print it)